It is possible to embed small views of your calendars in external websites. You can embed the same views that you can place on Horde's portal page. The following are examples of code to use to embed each view on an external blog or website. You should obviously edit the code with the correct server address and calendar name. The 'container' parameter is arbitrary, but must both match the DOM id of the div element and be unique across the whole page you are embedding in.
To embed a small Month View of the current month:
<div id="kronolithCal"></div><script src=" container=kronolithCal&view=Monthlist"type="text/javascript"> </script>
To embed an Upcoming Events View (note the 'months' and 'maxevents' parameters):
<div id="kronolist"></div><script src=" view=Monthlist&calendar=calendar_name&container=kronolist& months=2&maxevents=10" type="text/javascript"> </script>
To embed a Summary View:
<div id="kronosummary"> </div><script type="text/javascript" src=" container=kronosummary&view=Summary&calendar=calendar_name "></script>